Monday, October 6, 2014

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

The hooligans were getting a little crazy a few weekends ago, so we took them to the Planes, Trains, and Automobiles show at the Spanish Fork airport.

There are a huge variety of planes (and even a few helicopters) at this little municipal airport. 

The WWII bomber was the coolest.

I have no idea what this is.

There was an air show, and vendors, and even free airplane rides for kids over 8 (ours were all too scared to do it alone).

The emergency response people made a showing.

We hurried through the cars repeating "don't touch that, or that, or that either," so I didn't see much of the cars.

I was wondering where the trains part of the show was, but on our way out, we happened to pass an open hangar with tables full of these set up. Loved it. Seriously, this was the coolest part. 

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