Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Land Hungry

This is Indianola. It may not look like much, but honestly the picture doesn't do it justice.

More specifically, it is three acres of Indianola and it is for sale. The view is great, the neighbors (or lack thereof) are great, the price is great. 

My favorite feature was the way my kids jumped out of the car and began exploring it. Hours of yelling at my kids to stay in the yard, yelling at my kids to get out of the neighbors yard, and yelling at my kids to stay out of the road began to fade as I watched them explore rabbit holes. We scared a couple of huge rabbits(? hares maybe, something with black tipped ears) off and watched them bound through the sagebrush.

 And I want it.

Oh I know I can't buy it. It is too far away from our lifelines (like jobs). I knew that before I came out, I just wanted to pretend for a while.

Why do we do that? Why do we see something and want to own it?

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