Saturday, November 1, 2014

Last of the Nice Weather

Is anybody else feeling this sense of urgency I am?
The nice days are running out - this might be the last weekend it gets in the 60's - get out while you can!
Go biking or running or hiking, anything you can think of, just get out of your house before you are stuck there!

 You can bike from Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon to Utah Lake in just over an hour. Go on, it's a really fun trail!

You can hike the Grotto Trail up Payson Canyon in less time than that. You can rent kayaks and paddle around Deer Creek Reservoir, you can go shooting up Hobble Creek Canyon, you can hike the Wind Caves in Logan Canyon, Snow Canyon is really nice in October, though they are supposed to be getting rain later today so hurry! You won't regret it if you do and you might regret it if you don't.

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