Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fifth Water Hot Springs

Breaking in My New Hiking Shoes with the Fifth Water Hot Springs Trail

It's my birthday! I convinced Mark to make me lasagna, get me hiking shoes, and take me to Fifth Water Hot Springs up Diamond Fork (in Spanish Fork Canyon). Good thing he loves me so much - the lasagna took him three hours, the shoes were not cheap, and we hiked for three hours in the rain. It was awesome.

The river was running super high (go figure), but the bridges are well maintained, as is the trail, so no worries.

I don't know what my dog found, but we finally found the hot springs.

Wow, that is not a flattering picture of me. Oh well, I was going for comfort. Five months pregnant is never a flattering stage for me. 

We met these guys several times on the trail. They watched me try to get behind the waterfall, but I told them it was too cold to be worth it. Then I watched them wash their really long hair in it. We tried convincing our dogs to get in, but I guess it was too much like a bath. I finally got Windy to come in after she started shivering. They just pulled their dog in.

Good birthday memories.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a lot of fun, and your husband was really a sweetheart.
    We hiked to that hot springs once, years ago. I remember it as a beautiful place.
