Saturday, January 11, 2014

How not to hate winter: build a snowman.

Old man winter sure can be grouchy this time of year. But don't be a hater, even stinky old men need visitors every now and then. It's time to stop letting winter intimidate us. Here's an idea: build a snowman. Make a goal to build one every winter. It usually works best right after it snows when everything is still sticky.

You can start miniature...

Then work up to full size...

But not too big, those snowballs are heavy...

You can start personalizing them...

You can even make social statements...


  1. I loved seeing your miniature snowman on the mailbox! It made my day!

  2. Thanks, it did us a world of good to get out and make one. Then we walked around the neighborhood taking pictures of everybody else's.

  3. Liz, it takes eyes to see...I'm so glad you help me open my eyes to all the delightful things around us!
