Wednesday, August 28, 2013

These jeans only took an hour to dry - gotta love Utah!

Do you know what's great about living out here in the west? Sunshine.
"What?" you say. "What's so great about sunshine?"
Have you ever lived in Seattle.
Me neither, but we've all heard about their rain problem.
I've lived in Alaska though. You can get so depressed without sunshine, they've given it a name - seasonal affective disorder.
But you know what I'm talking about. Sometime in March when the snow starts melting, you step outside, and your face turns up and it just feels so good. You decide to skip the coat and you may even roll up your sleeves and you stick your arms out and you just soak it up. We're so high and the skies are so clear, it comes straight to you. You can feel the vitamin D start pumping through your body and it feels better. So now that it's not 102 degrees anymore, go out and enjoy it. These are the best months of the year.


  1. the beautiful clothes line! I never knew that clothes could dry in a day...let alone an hour...until I moved to Utah.
