Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Land Hungry

This is Indianola. It may not look like much, but honestly the picture doesn't do it justice.

More specifically, it is three acres of Indianola and it is for sale. The view is great, the neighbors (or lack thereof) are great, the price is great. 

My favorite feature was the way my kids jumped out of the car and began exploring it. Hours of yelling at my kids to stay in the yard, yelling at my kids to get out of the neighbors yard, and yelling at my kids to stay out of the road began to fade as I watched them explore rabbit holes. We scared a couple of huge rabbits(? hares maybe, something with black tipped ears) off and watched them bound through the sagebrush.

 And I want it.

Oh I know I can't buy it. It is too far away from our lifelines (like jobs). I knew that before I came out, I just wanted to pretend for a while.

Why do we do that? Why do we see something and want to own it?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Climbing Bridal Veil Falls

On Saturday evening I went up to Bridal Veil Falls and found it an icy wonderland. I wasn't the only one there. I also found a small group climbing one of the side falls. Kind of wish I was one of the ones climbing. :)

Can you find Waldo

What an incredible wall of  ice

Friday, January 2, 2015

Last Light of 2014

I decided to take a photo walk on the last day of 2014 up Rock Canyon, It's a great place for rock climbing, even in the winter for the hard core. It was a little below 20 degrees F, but I still met lots of people coming and going. These four shots are among my favorites of the evening.


Rock Canyon Moonrise

Rock Canyon #2

Last Sunset of 2014

Last Light of 2014-right before it slips from the top of the mountains

Friday, December 12, 2014


It's finally here! It's our game, Crickets, and it's finally on the shelf at Seagull Books! It has a little bit of history, a little bit of fun, and even a potty joke to lure in the six year old boys. It took us a few years of inviting people over for dessert and games to get it right, but here it is!

Monday, November 10, 2014



I have discovered geocaching. 
Didn't have time for a hike and Mark just got his first smart phone so we found an app and went geocaching, The thing was lit up with caches. They literally dot the landscape - at least where I am they do. It was way more fun than I thought it would be. Except I'm not very good at it. I'm the kind of person that can't find stuff in plain sight, so, needless to say, we found some and we missed some.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cattle Dog Trials

Heber City is one of those places where something is always going on. Last week was Cowboy Poetry week with a side of cow-dog contest thrown in for flair.

I know they just look like tubs of lard, but once you throw in the dogs, things can really get exciting.

The dogs are expected to chase, bark at, and even occasionally nip the heel of these 800 pound bovines in an effort to get them through a series of chutes they want nothing to do with.

I love watching working dogs, it's pretty amazing to watch. We're still working on heel at my house. Have any of you trained your dog(s) to do something amazing?