Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chariot Racing

The World Cutter and Chariot  Racing Championships, March 2014, Ogden, Utah

I have a little bit of a fixation with horses. I don't have any... yet, so I get my horse fix when I can. I always make it to a rodeo or two, I help out at an endurance (trail) race most years, and today, I saw my first chariot race.

My one year old twins would squeal every time the teams thundered past.

Apparently, quarter horse racers keep their animals in shape over winter break by hitching 'em up and letting 'em go. I have to say, I'm not sure they need much tuning up, I've never seen such fit horses.

And colorful too. 

It's like the song

 blacks and bays,
 dapples and grays,
all the pretty little horses.
The black and white paint was voted prettiest horse at the races by the kids.

So if you want to see the finest 1000 lbs. of quarter horse in the world, forget halter shows, I say go to the races.

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